
Saturday, 27 December 2014

Departure Glasgow - Newcastle - Amsterdam
miles 200 (+ferry)

I'm already in Europe. Last 3 days, no much sleep and eat, and a lot of stress. After long months of preparation, I left Glasgow on 26 Dec. Riding to Newcastle and taking ferry - DFDS - straight to Amsterdam I have no much option - the weather start worsening.
Leaving was much terrible than a weather, after I left my work - sadly - with great people there (and good money too).  I had to leave my little love too - Mariola - and that was the most sad thing we had to go trough. I couldn't resist desire to my travel, so that's why I sacrificed so much.
The most remembered moments from my first days, was few. Hotel in Newcastle - mini room with huge radiator - price for the room was so little - but I had to sleep with window full open and I was sweat (temperature outside was "-1" Celsius). Ferry was great experience too, I was imaging people on the Titanic ship with all luxury bars shops and cinemas - I was on deck 7 and that was 11 decks tall ferry (more floors that block of flats we were growing in Olsztyn). Today I've seen great thing as well. I was already in Nederland - in small town called Ijmuiden - there was an old lady probably around 70, her moped probably same age had a kickstart. She was trying start it. No helmet, no nothing but after few strong kicks, her moto just started and she disappear. I wish I could have this spirit sometimes.

Newcastle ferry terminal 
Heemskerk in Nederland - good hostel 30km from Amsterdam 


  1. Ah Pawel powodzenia. Wszyscy w Ciebie wierzymy a o Mariolke sie nie martw, bedzie czekac;) Paulina
