
Thursday, 12 March 2015

Entering Africa

Rabat - Morocco 12/3/15 5616 km of my travel

After long 10 weeks in Europe I have managed to get to south of Spain to Algeciras. Ferries go to Ceuta or Tangier port. I decided go to Ceuta, reason for that was the town is still Spanish and I will have little stop there. Night before leaving, hotel lady said that I need to have some documents to enter Morocco. Green card - vehicle insurance special for riding in Morocco. I didn't have and as I checked this latter I didn't have temporarily importing document as well. I have spent some time in internet and got this document free of charge just from Moroccan government website. very helpful was this info .I still don't have motorbike insurance but will   try get in Rabat.
The  ferry crossing was one hour. After unloading I stopped for food shopping and than got to border. The border was a big mess, with all traffic and people going both direction. A well a lot of helpers too. One was saying he is working for Moroccan ministry... ministry of what?
After some time I spoke to Spanish policemen and he explained me what to do. I have meet official - (with a badge) border advisor he offered me a help but refuse 5 euro tip as he said this is to small so I paid donation of 10 euro. Ahh well that was fun a bit too.
I refuel and changed money after the border -  still could not find insurance broker I rode down to Rabat motorway. On some stop I have heard Latvian language and with closer look there was to riders from Sigulda, one had problem with battery so we pushed his super chopper bike and rode around 186 km to Rabat where we found hotel for this night,
Today I'm playing get mauritanian visa at embassy. I am very tired but will try get it and have some rest.
PS. City looks very interesting, I like noise from the street and scooters riders style.

Latvian Riders from Sigulda in Morocco


  1. Pozdrowienia z Glasgow jesteśmy z tobą duchem i trzymamy kciuki Piotr ,Magda ,Wiktor

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  3. Dzieki Kochani ja tez was pozdrawiam, troszke pozno bo zapomnialem o istnieniu komantarzy na blogu
